Custom Code Library
This is where you can upload and manage your own custom HEET assemblies.
In order to upload Custom Code Libraries to HEET you will need to create a
Admins of Companies can upload and manage Custom Code Libraries.
- Click the "Add to Codelib" button in the top right
- Choose your Hot2000 code library file from your computer and click the "Upload" button.
- Once you've uploaded your file your potential codes will appear under their respective tabs.
- In order to be able to use them in HEET you will need to add them to your library of options.
- Options available to add to your libarary will be highlighted green.
- Options that cannot be added due to conflicts will be highlighted in red and you will not be able to add them to your library.
- Click the "Add" button to make them permanently available in HEET.
- CodeLib options must have unique names.
- CodeLib windows must have a frame height of at least 10mm.
- To manage your Code Library, access your Account Info -> CodeLib page.
- To delete an option press the Delete function on the assembly.